Almost Six Months...

Griffin continues to get food all over his face while eating. He is hardly civilized just yet. He's now on to green beans. The first time he tried them he did not seem particularly pleased, but now he seems to actually like them.
Griffin sharing the good times and bad with his glowing seahorse friend.
Fin wearing the shirt and converse knitted booties that aunt Jenni made.

Fin McCool is a fictional friendly giant in old Irish tales. When we knew we wanted to call him "Fin" we briefly (very briefly) entertained the middle name "Mc Cool" but vetoed it when we considered how it would look on a license.
Fin likes reacting to the camera. Too bad we don't live in LA anymore ;)
More of the same. Are you tired of pictures yet? While I can take the same picture 100 times and look at each one differently, I hear not everyone is as interested in other people's babies. They are starting to feel like repeats, but we'll keep taking them nonetheless. 

Griffin is doing well this week so far. He was out sick from day care for a few days last week, but now he's back on track. He likes the other babies there, is still very alert, and is always exploring.


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