Past the 6-Month Mark

Griffin is now officially six months old, and he's working on some new skills. He's trying to roll from his back to his stomach, and getting pretty close there. Tonight he sat up by himself on the floor with no support and held it there for a good two minutes or so before the weight of his head got the best of him.
He still generally humors me taking his picture. Here he's sitting in the same place he was in previous pictures.  Our couch cover came in, so now his backdrop is tan instead of white. We could start our own little portrait studio in the living room with our very own bland brown backdrop.

Griffin likes his pacifier, and I must admit that it is probably because we use it as our first line of defense. I don't want to be the one to wean him off that thing when he hits a year old. I'm not going to think about it right now.

All smiles, Griffin is quite social. He is a good little performance baby, as if he knows exactly when to put on a show. He was giving me a serious look all morning, but when a lady in the elevator so much as looked at him, he started beaming and laughing, cooing and making happy sounds like I flipped on his show pony switch. Aunt Jenni made him a "show pony" onesie, and now it's coming true.  


At October 19, 2008 at 3:19 PM aeolidia said...

Griffin's adorable - I love those big eyes! Our little Calvin will be three months old tomorrow and we're already trying to prop him up to sit. I know he has quite a while to go, but I guess we're helping him develop the muscles a bit, at least!


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