Past the 5-Month Mark

Here are a few of the pool pictures we had to have developed from a few weeks back. Griffin is sporting his sunglasses and striped hat.
Griffin seems to like the camera.
Griffin sporting our friend Michelle's homemade "Z" shirt. I thought the striped socks were a nice touch.
Griffin likes his soft little mini stuffed-animal-slash-blanket-thing. He likes putting these types of things in his mouth constantly.
This week Griffin started eating a little bit of oatmeal. Yes, it was a mess. The doctor said he may or may not go for it, but to at least try feeding it to him once a day. He took to it well, grabbing the spoon himself and shoving it in his mouth and trying to drink from the bowl. Mommy was not fast enough at shoveling it in already. Baby still likes his mobile, but seems to prefer sitting up a bit (middle picture). Day care says he is constantly trying to sit up, and should be mastering the skill before we know it.


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