So it has been awhile since the last post. I was still in Montana after the time I last posted, and then got a bit behind with things once back in Baltimore. So hopefully we'll be better about getting new pictures posted here on out. Griffin is changing at a rapid pace. He is definitely growing an extra chin or two, and has become way more alert and observant. His "tummy time" is going much better too.

More pictures of him with Aunt Kristin in Montana. The bottom one is his reflection in a mirror. He enjoys looking at the baby in the mirror, often laughing and "talking" to him.
Griffin has taken to a rag he discovered at Grandma and Grandpa Zollars' house. He likes to chew on it and apparently hug it too. He puts anything and everything in his mouth these days.
Most pictures we snap have him with his hand in his mouth, or in the process of putting it there. The top right photo here was taken when Griffin got home from the pool, and still had his baby sunglasses on his head.  We tried to take him in for the free baby swim lesson at the Downtown Baltimore Family Alliance pool party, but it was a no go with such chilly water . He did enjoy watching the other babies and taking in the scenery though. We have a couple pictures of him at the pool, but I'll post those next time because they are on a film camera that actually has to be developed the old-fashioned way. Until then...


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